Supporting the community
Along side our Sunday services at 10:30AM & Prayer meeting at 6:00PM there are a variety of activities on during the week for people of all ages. Midweek Activities: If you would like more information about any of these groups please do get in touch using the keeping in touch form.
Ignite Youth Group
We meet for food, friendship, and to find out what the Bible has to say to us today. For more details use the contact us form to send a message to Charlie Fadipe.
Click here for more Information
Junior Church
Children are an important part of our community. Junior church is held during the church service. Read more information about Junior Church. A creche is run alongside Junior church with a video link.
For older children and young people, guide-sheets are provided to help them follow the main teaching (these are emailed out for those not able to get out to church).
Click here for more Information
Church Prayer Meetings
Prayer meetings are in-person at 6:00pm in the church hall on Sunday evenings. If we want to see God blessing in our church we need to unite in prayer. We also meet at 10:00am Sunday mornings in the church for prayer, immediately before the morning service.
Growth groups meet in the community each Tuesday and Wednesday evening as well as Thursdays in the daytime for prayer and Bible study.
Growth Groups
Weekly meetings
Growth groups meet weekly around Calne, at times convenient for them. There is currently one day time group and several evening groups meeting on Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday evenings. As well as deepening friendship, growth groups spend time praying together and discussing how the previous Sunday’s sermon should be lived out.
Click here for more information
Ladies Bible Study
The ladies meet together weekly to study the Bible and pray for one another. The studies may be on particular books of the Bible,on individual characters: eg prophets, kings, women in the Bible or subjects such as Finding Christ in the Old Testament. There are set passages to read followed by questions and discussion. They each study with a time of prayer.
Christianity Explored
What to learn more about Christianity? Great! You’re at the right place then. Why not come along to a church service, you’ll meet there with other people who have have or had the same questions as you.
You could also contact us and we’d happy to arrange for an appropriate person to meet up with you.
From time to time the church runs a Christianity Explored course – let us know if your interested and we can tell you when the next course will be.
In Pieces Quilting & Crafting Group
On a Friday morning, a group gathers together to sew and chat. They bring their projects to the hall and provide each other with moral support and help. Sometimes the group works on a joint project.
A lively, friendly group for parents with babies and toddlers. Together we listen to Bible stories and share our love of music during rhyme time. Parents can relax with a cup of ground coffee, and we have lots of new toys for your little ones to enjoy.
Click here for more Information

Friendly Spaces
A warm space to meet with friends or make new ones over a warm drink.
Coffee Morning
Our coffee morning can be a great place to meet up with an old friend, bring the kids for a play in the play area, come and find out a little more about the church, or just sit quietly and read a book!
Men’s Breakfast
The purpose of the Men’s Prayer Breakfast is for men to gather together in order to encourage one another in Christlikeness, to challenge one another to be faithful in our responsibilities as men and to intercede for our families and our church.
Ladies Evenings
A few times a year, the ladies gather together for fun evenings to enjoy each other’s company without the burden of other responsibilities!!